Public Speaking
Looking for a speaker or panelist for your next event?
With charisma, eloquence, and expertise, I would be honored to elevate your next event. Below are presentations I currently offer, both in person and virtually. If what you see doesn’t quite fit, reach out for a custom presentation or speech tailored to your event.
Current Talks
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern
Careers in Marine Science
There are SO MANY different paths that marine science can take you down. In school, most students only learn about one: academia. Without exposure to the abundant opportunities, many students abandon marine science.
This talk is designed to
1) Encourage interest in marine science and conservation
2) Share my winding career path journey
3) Highlight the pros and cons of a dozen different possible career paths in marine science that do not require a PhD
4) Share my favorite job boards, list servs, and entry-level opportunities
View a sneak peek here.
This presentation is designed for undergraduate or Masters level students studying marine or environmental science. It can be amended for high school students interested in these topics.
Antarctic Geopolitics Things are Really Heating Up!
Ever wondered about the icy, mysterious continent at the bottom of our planet?
What’s really going on down there? How is Antarctica governed? What role does the United States play? What’s with all the tourists? Will the Treaty expire?
Why does it matter?
The answers are fascinating!
I am a peer-reviewed, published Antarctic researcher who specializes in penguins and international policy. I worked with the U.S. National Science Foundation as an Antarctic Environmental Policy Fellow, served on the U.S. Delegation to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM) in 2022, aided the U.S. Delegation to CCAMLR, and worked as a Rapporteur at the ATCM in 2024. I also spent a month on deployment at McMurdo Station, and performed an environmental evaluation on an Antarctic cruise vessel. Let me teach you about all things Antarctica!
This presentation is designed for college students, faculty, or professionals interested in the Antarctic and/or international governance. It can be accompanied by an immersive group activity centered around the ATCM.
What can you actually do to make a difference?
Turn on the news, and you might drown in the deluge of bad news. It sounds like the world is on fire. The unfortunate reality is that most of the environmental disasters you read about are true. What’s also unfortunate is that there isn’t much you can do on a day-to-day basis to solve the issues that mega corporations and governments are responsible for. You may feel that your vote doesn’t matter.
So, what can you do?
I’ll inspire you to make a measurable difference and show you how to:
1) Think global, act local to protect nature and animals in your community
2) Choose where to donate money for conversation, knowing it will be spent on effective boots-on-the-ground work (hint: not all nonprofits are equal!)
3) Make the world a safer place for animals with simple daily actions
4) Enjoy nature and feel good doing so
This presentation is designed for business gatherings and corporate functions.
How To Fight Back Against“Development” - And Win!
We’ve all been there. You’re driving to work and you notice a bulldozer clearcutting beloved, beautiful woods. Before you know it, there are 700 cookie-cutter apartments in its place built by some outside corporation. You would’ve spoken up, but you didn’t know how, nor did you even know this was happening.
We don’t have a housing crisis. We have a housing affordability crisis.
There is a way to oppose commercial “developments”. To protect and preserve nature, wildlife, and your community. The key lies in (1) deciphering policy, (2) knowing your neighbors and elected representatives, and (3) speaking up intelligently.
I learned this the hard way, from having to do it myself-and winning. That’s why I created the DLAD Project. I can teach you and your community how to fight back and win, too.
Anybody and everybody. HOAs, community groups, small business owners, town leaders.
Amazing Antarctic Penguins!
Designed for kids K-8th grade, this presentation and classroom activity introduce kids to the thrill of Antarctica! Learn about penguins and seals, how they survive in the coldest place on Earth, and what it means to be an Antarctic researcher.
Libraries, classrooms and museums, age kindergarten through 8th grade. Presentation can be amended for high school if desired.
Comradery in Conservation
We work in conservation because we love it. We’re extremely passionate. But sometimes, it can be a real bummer.
I share a 12 minute “The Moth Radio Hour”-style story about my eye-opening career path in conservation that finally led me to Antarctica, where something happened that I can’t quite explain. The key takeaways are that we’re all together in fighting the good fight; even if we can’t fix the entire problem, we can make it just a little bit better.
Inspiring, relateable, thought-provoking, with just a smidge of whimsy.
Environmental professionals, scientists, conservation groups.
Animal Welfare
I became a vegetarian on my own in the fifth grade, as soon as I learned that animals were killed for us to eat them. It was that simple.
In college, I transitioned to become fully vegan.
I welcome any opportunities to talk about a plant-based diet, the pervasive impacts of animal agriculture in North Carolina, and the ways I bring animal welfare to my work as a marine scientist and policy analyst.
Vegetarian/vegan groups and interested parties
Braving the Waves: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
I’ll share information from my book, including:
The impact of OCD on relationships, career, and your physical body
OCD in childhood vs. adulthood
How to strengthen your intuition and decipher it from OCD
My experience with various therapies and treatments
Easy self-help tools
Anyone who wants to better understand OCD.